The changes that flexibility brought into offices

The office we once knew is gone. But many employers and employees can’t decide what’s next. This has led to inconsistent flexible work policies, half-empty office buildings, costly attempts at downsizing, and frustrated employees. People scratch their heads and ask: “What is the point of our office today?”I have been consulted as an expert in... Continue Reading →

Changes in Perceived Productivity of Software Engineers during COVID-19 Pandemic: The Voice of Evidence

Remote working has been a hot topic and many would like to know more about it. This is a summary of research insights on the perceived productivity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Brief description of the research and evidence: To understand work from home, we analyzed data from six corporate surveys from four Scandinavian companies and... Continue Reading →

A new book on agile and distributed!

And again, together with my colleague Nils Brede Moe we decided to summarise our learnings about using agile methods in distributed projects from research in a book. Through our research, we see many companies still struggle by experimenting and adjusting their tactical approaches, learning through failure, and sometimes failing to diagnose the challenges and loosing time... Continue Reading →

Talking about cultural differences

The topic of cultural differences has always interested me and I found interesting the work of Geert Hofstede who has systematized the roots of cultural differences into five dimensions. I was particularly intrigued to see that ethnic Latvians are more like Scandinavians and that Latvia culturally belongs to the Northern Europe and not Eastern Europe.... Continue Reading →

Agile principles in the large

My current research interests are related to understanding the scalability of agile principles in large-scale distributed projects. The core principles we study are autonomy, self-management and self-governance. In April this year we have started a new research project looking into team autonomy in multi-team multi-site projects. The first study conducted indicates that teams receive different... Continue Reading →

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